The cleaner my house, the messier my mind

[ 2 minute read ]
So if you come into my kitchen and it’s half-painted and the cupboards are hanging open and where’s all the dishes and Daisy has grated parmesan on her back and she’s wearing my glasses and the cat’s balancing on piles of there’s all the dishes trying to suck water from the tap, and the fish are mouthing help, and there’s only apples, you know I’m in a good place

I love snow and it’s mostly because it fills me with hope for a full-on nobody-goes-anywhere Snow Day

[ 2 minute read ]
You can keep the iffy days when the forecast is scary but the morning sky’s a little slow on the uptake and I get dressed, one eye on the sky, and finally make it out the door still looking up. Soon as I get to work, everything changes and by three o’clock I’m stuck at Union Station still looking up, and there’s no line at Uncle Tetsu’s Cheesecake. Like yesterday. And fuck off spellcheck