this is not my beautiful house

We have art so that we will not die of reality, Nietzsche said

We have art so that we will not die of reality, Nietzsche said

And to that I would like to add the following: We have decreasing ocular ability so that we will not die of mirrors

He also said Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal which is a deadly statement in today’s world – did you see the BAFTAs last night? – but I think Nieszsche was referring to the lesser mind, you know, and not the rampant levels of inequality that were out last night, all dressed in Gucci.

Holy shit motherfuckers and just to clarify I mean them not you

I like to think that injustice goes bump on the terrain of all our hearts and that we are more concerned about the human condition and the much bigger inequalities contained therein than whether or not you got nominated in what is essentially a game of popularity with a side of very good acting maybe once in a while.

Also I wish Joaquin had remained an enigma instead of the hurtling mass of opinion, and even though he seems very nice, I’m not sure about those two weeks alone with him I pleaded for after I saw Joaquer.

Also if any of you have any pull in Hollywood, I’d like to see him as JD Salinger next, you know, if you could.

But back to the mirrors and everything else

My son is now doing what both my eldest daughter and I did a few years ago which is to make himself lactose intolerant. This is easily accomplished by avoiding dairy for I don’t know how long and then running out of Almond milk and having real milk on your cereal. You’ll soon find that you, too, are lactose intolerant which actually means anything dairy goes straight through as in you gotta make a mad dash.

Turn the fan on on (fuck off spellcheck) your way in, and don’t ask me how it has time to curdle

Anyway. So when I was a teenager I guess, I made a point of never wearing any makeup of any kind and I kept this up throughout my life, with a few exceptions like weddings, until I got my eyes fixed last week and decided I’d best give it a whirl.

Turns out I am allergic to foundation I guess because even though I thought I was at the actual bottom, it’s gone downhill in a blotchy, peel-y, jam-y kind of way. Anyway. I’m hoping I’ll get used to all this detail because let me tell you, you’re not looking so great either and neither is Daisy, who through some trick of multiplication, is suddenly older than me.


Also for the first time ever, my gorgeously cluttered environment is making me anxious. Which is another reason why I’m going to the dollar store to buy some blurry glasses. See ya later, fuzzy

Add another mind-fuck to the list

Add another mind-fuck to the list

Well that was weird

Well that was weird