this is not my beautiful house




That’s it. Seriously. My entire review. And even the HolyFuckingShit was superfluous.

And I’ll be gnawing on that title, with equal parts Glenfiddich and Huckleberries, for months. Kind of like Mark Twain who said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment”, I can live for at least a couple of months on a good title.

Did you know (and I doubt it because Google doesn’t even know) that an entire Huckleberry bush yields just one berry? That’s why they’re so special. And for your listening pleasure, here’s the Audrey Hepburn version of Moon River in which you will hear the best use of the word Huckleberry ever. If you don’t feel like swooning, don’t listen because I’m pretty sure it’s Pavlovian.

Incongruity is my favourite thing. Just so you know what I’m going through

Also fond of coincidence and being Kate, and there’s a coincidence right there because that typo turned into the name I give at Starbucks. I bet people at work think I keep stealing her coffee. Anyway I’ll try that again: Also fond of coincidence and being late to the party or the game or whatever the fuck it is and here’s just one small instance where I’ve been a late bloomer and things worked out as if I planned it that way.

Which maybe I did, you know, maybe it was an inside job

I am currently all about Radiohead and what song better than Creep to roll around in your head with the entirely feral Joaquin who I have also just discovered.

I’m a mess like you don’t even know, what with all the incongruities and everything, but in spite of it all – or maybe because of it all – my particular pace and timing and mess has its own rewards

One more thing. You know how Miriam adds words every year and picks a fave and all that? Well I’d like to suggest she also put words out of practice and if this is ever a thing, I would like to abolish the word infatuation in favour of love at first sight.

BTW Joaquin, wherever you’re going, I’m going your way

Dear Whom

Dear Whom

Spellcheck is on a bender today, the little this

Spellcheck is on a bender today, the little this